Dear Skålleagues,
Welcome to Skål International Bali.
2024 seems to have flown by us, and looking back we certainly hosted some very unique and wonderful lunch and cocktail venues over the last twelve months, which with the support of our amazing sponsors created some memorable events for our members.
Our recent end of year ‘Rock and Roll Extravaganza’ party was a huge success at the Trans Resort Bali, with 200 members and guests in attendance.
As we look ahead to 2025, and to this year’s upcoming lunch venues, where Skål Club Bali will be visiting some brand-new venues, and re-visiting some of our old favorites.
To begin the year, our first Skål lunch of 2025 is being hosted by the Bali Safari & Marine Park, who are kindly showcasing their new Varuna Underwater theatrical cabaret show after our lunch with them. Don’t miss this amazing show!
February will take us back to an old favourite venue at the Viceroy Hotel Bali and is sure to be a fully booked lunch event.
As our membership continues to grow, it has been encouraging to see such a wonderful attendance, and the excitement expressed by our members who have attended our luncheons.
Skål is a Travel & Tourism Club, therefore only those listed categories in the hospitality industry will qualify as members, based on the ruling from the Skål Head Office in Spain. As a guest you are allowed to attend the lunch a maximum of two times a year, but you can only attend if you are invited by a fully paid-up member. So, if you intend to join our lunches more than two times a year then please ask to sign up to become a member. Members are allowed to choose a work colleague from the same company to replace them, if they cannot attend a lunch.
I believe ‘Skål’ to be Bali’s Premier Travel & Tourism organization, and a trusted voice in the industry with our professionalism, expertise and global reach!
Our monthly lunch provides an opportunity to our members, guests and visitors for networking, friendships, personal career development and business growth, and reflects our club motto of "Doing Business amongst Friends".
I am so proud to be part of our amazing group of Tourism professionals, and I am looking forward to welcoming you all to our monthly lunch gatherings on the first Friday of every month.
See you at the next Skål event!
Yours in Skål,
Stefan Mueller
PRESIDENT Skål International Bali